

Daily Devotional

The Body of Christ is about to enter the greatest demonstration of the glory of God that this world has ever known. God has raised Tracy and Lori Harris up as a couple called to equip the Body of Christ for Its destiny. The highest assignment on their lives is to reproduce revelation knowledge. For the last 35 years, this call has taken them to thirty nations of the earth. They have watched Jesus work miracles around the world, ministering on crusade platforms, in prisons, by television and radio, through the printed page, through internet, in Bible schools, and in church pulpits. The anointing in each meeting brings people to a collision with the power of God as the prophetic edge and the anointing for miracles are predominant in every service.

Tracy and Lori’s desire is that you will experience Jesus’ great miracle-working, restoring power in your life, as they continue to fulfill His assignment to reach the unreachable, touch the untouchable, love the unlovable, and do the impossible!

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