Our History

Daily Devotional

Suddenly, He was there…

It all started one night when an almost seventeen year-old boy knelt down to pray. Having been disillusioned by an anemic and powerless church but knowing on the inside there was more, he prayed. With warm tears streaming down his face he earnestly prayed, “Jesus, I still wish you spoke to people today like you did in Bible days… I wish you still healed people today like you did in Bible days… I would give anything to have spent one day with you on the shores of Galilee, and watch you heal the blind and cause the cripple to walk.” Somehow, religion had stolen the hope of this young man, and left him with the conclusion that miracles had passed away. Seeking God more intently, “God I want to give my life to you and serve you full-time if you will have me.” Close to the midnight hour that night with a dim glow from a small bedside lamp… SUDDENLY, HE WAS THERE…the whole room seemed to fill up with His presence, and He began to speak to me from His word. Yes, that boy was me. While I didn’t see Him that night, the room and my entire being were filled with His presence, His voice, His Word, His instruction.

He made me to know He had called me, and I was to serve Him full-time. He let me know He still spoke to people today, and He was speaking to me. He made it clear that He still healed people, and He would heal them through me. It became indelibly printed on my heart that there never was a day of miracles, but there has always been a God of miracles… that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Having been in church all my life, I don’t ever recall having heard what He said to me that night instructing me from Hebrews 13:8, and I would never be the same.

Lori, meanwhile as a young woman, fed up with the worlds way of doing things began to pray, “Lord, I don’t want to do the dating thing… if you can show me who the man is I am supposed to marry…I love you Lord. I’m turning this situation and my life totally over to you.” She was visited in a dream and saw her wedding. She saw the man from behind but never saw his face. Though still a walk of faith, she followed her heart into God’s plan for her life. He brought us together, and we soon knew without a shadow of a doubt His plan was for us to be covenant partners for life. We committed to take the whole gospel to the whole world.

I’m still so grateful for this love story, and Jesus has been so faithful to us to do all He told us He would do. Now, Lori, me and the beautiful children God has given us have watched Jesus work miracles in thirty nations for over thirty years. Our heart is that you will experience His great miracle working, restoring power in your life also, as we continue to fulfill His assignment on HIM…

Reaching the Unreachable,

Touching the Untouchable,

Loving the Unloveable,

Doing the Impossible.

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