School of HIM


Daily Devotional

Are you ready to step into your destiny? Your life will be forever impacted as you are equipped to grow in your relationship with God, become established in strong faith grounded upon God’s Word, and become empowered to impact your world. School of HIM exists to equip students to minister the Gospel in every arena of life. Through anointed teaching and the demonstration of the Holy Spirit, they are empowered to hit the mark of the high calling of God on their lives.

School of HIM is an online Bible school that is based on the Word of God and the Spirit. It is where students learn to develop a life of excellence based on the foundational teachings of the Word of God. Revelation knowledge has always been the center-pole of Harvest International Ministries, and through each course you will learn how to live a victorious faith-filled life.

Whether you desire more in-depth teaching in Biblical principles or whether you want to prepare for ministry, School of HIM is the place for you! You are on the earth to finish the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, and whether or not you are called into the five-fold pulpit ministry, you are in the ministry of Jesus! You are here for such a time as this! As you attend classes, you will be transformed into His image as your mind is renewed by the Word of God.

Each student is given 90 days to complete a course and its assignments. The classes may be started at any time. If you are ready to answer the assignment of the Holy Spirit and become a world changer, we invite you to come train with us. Often the first step on a new journey is the hardest, but we are here to help!

Apply today either through the online application, or by mail! Our core curriculum will begin with classes on Righteousness, Authority of the Believer, and Doctrine of Faith. Our instructors will impart Biblical revelation knowledge and application as well as practical ministry experience. Experience School of HIM for yourself! You will never be the same!

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