How to Keep your Breakthrough

Daily Devotional

I want to talk to you today about how to keep your breakthrough. God never intends for us to go back into anything from which He has delivered us. I want you to realize that your faith will not only cause great breakthrough and victory to manifest in your life, but your faith is the key to maintaining the victory you receive. 

Think about the process of blowing up a balloon. What causes that balloon to inflate and remain inflated? The pressure that is being exerted inside the balloon by your breath must be equal to the pressure outside of the balloon. The same principle is true with regard to the process of faith.

The limits you are experiencing are not acceptable to God! If you want to change a circumstance in your life, you must continually apply and exert the force of faith to your situation, which is a pressure greater than the pressure of the world or the enemy. In blowing up the balloon, if the pressure is equal, the balloon will inflate and remain inflated. However, what happens when the pressure that comes out of you that is greater than the force that contains your breath? POP! The limits of the balloon give way to the greater pressure. It’s time for you to realize that the Greater One is living inside of you, and He wants you to explode the limits off your life!

Romans 12:1-3 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. For I say through the grace given to me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

According to this passage of Scripture, you have been given the capacity to transform your life in such a way that you can prove, or demonstrate, or manifest, God’s will for your life- that which He finds good, acceptable and mature, or perfect. God has a will for your body and your soul. His will is that your life be entirely curse-free in every area. In order for His will concerning healing to manifest in your life, your body may need to be acted upon by a superior force, and that manifestation is what we call Breakthrough. How then, if you find a discrepancy between what the Word tells us is God’s will, and what you are experiencing, do you bring what is not acceptable to God into alignment with the Word?

You exercise your authority through the force of faith! You can have faith for change! In the same way that God transferred from Heaven what He willed to be on the earth, He has given you the ability to bring Heaven’s desire for your life into manifestation now. How do you do it? You do it the same way God did- through faith-filled words. Find out in the Word of God what His good, perfect, and acceptable will for your life is in every area, and begin to use your mouth to release and exert the pressure of the force of faith on that sickness, on that depression, on that financial need. The Word in your mouth is what brings transformation to your life. The Word is the implement through which we transformed. The Greek word for “transform” in Romans 12:2 is where we get our word for metamorphosis, which means a complete change in the form of being. Nothing new will be created or begun in your life without a Word from God!

Now, I want you to realize that not only is faith the force that will absolutely transform your circumstance so that the will of God is in manifestation, but faith is how you keep every breakthrough you receive! You continually apply the force of faith. You don’t stop! The same faith you used to get your miracle keeps it!

There are laws that govern both the spiritual and physical realms. One of the natural laws of physics states that an object at rest must remain at rest until it is acted upon by an outside force. Certain patterns and sticking points in your life will always have a certain trajectory unless you make the decision to change that trajectory by applying the force of faith! Faith is the implement for change, and faith makes all things new.

We began by talking about pressure. When Paul writes to the Romans, “Do not be conformed to this world,” the idea communicated there is, “Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mold” (12:2). That is the purpose of any pressure you encounter- to make you conform, to reshape you, to squeeze you back into the state you were in before you were delivered. Don’t do it! Don’t go back into any box that faith broke you out of!

I Peter 1:3-5 tells us that we are kept through the power of God through faith unto salvation. There is keeping power when you stay in faith. Faith is the force that when, continually applied, will transform every area in your life into the manifestation of the perfect will of God. Faith will not only bring you into the land of victory and more than enough; it is the key to maintaining every breakthrough you receive!

Determine today that you will yield no ground to the enemy! Do not grow weary in applying the force of faith; you will reap if you stand in His strength and do not faint. When the enemy brings pressure against you, remember that the Greater One lives in you, and you are totally equipped to explode every limit off your life!

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