April Partner Meeting

Daily Devotional

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Healing For The Whole Man

HIM Partner Meeting

Event Dates / Times:

  • April 17: 6:30 PM (Note: No children services available on this date)
  • April 18: 6:30 PM
  • April 19: 6:30 PM

Event Location: 4000 Arkansas Blvd Texarkana, AR 71854

Important Information: Seating is limited, so ensure your spot by registering in advance using the form below.

Childcare Services: Childcare services are available exclusively for Thursday and Friday evening sessions for children aged 8 months to 5 years old. Take advantage of this opportunity to engage in the event while ensuring your little ones are well taken care of. Additionally, HIM City is available during the Friday evening service.

We are no longer accepting registrations. Please contact the church office for availability.

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