Invisible Strength


Daily Devotional

Invisible Strength

142 Page book by William Tracy Harris


Invisible Strength

SKU 9781893408906 Category


When we are born anew into the kingdom of God our lives have unlimited potential. We must learn how to navigate through the things life throws at us by taking hold of the strength of the Greater One who lives within us. Though invisible to the world, this strength winds its way into our lives once we choose to grasp it. Paul said the very strength of the prize I am trying to take hold of has taken hold of me.

Why waste one more day in defeat and despair? Choose not to live from the outside in, but live from the inside out. God’s Word and His grace are sufficient.

You have all you need to win. You have…Invisible Strength.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 0.35 in
Book Type

Digital Book, Physical Book

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